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About ASDS
We are dedicated to creating a resource network for all adults with special issues. This will include a up to date database that has medical, educational, employment, life services, and includes S.N.E.K. -Special Needs Elite Coupling. We also have a partnering program and interpreter. ASDS implements programs for schools globally that meet Common Core standards, teaching children healthy lifestyle and literacy through the art of Storytelling with Fairy Queen Flutterby™.


Presenting a consistently strong focus on advocacy, ASDS is bringing awareness to parents, teachers, and others that NeuroField is an alternative solution to treating ASD and varied mental and physical issues. One of the goals of the organization is to provide a safe and customized work environment to help increase employment opportunities for adults with Autism. With the means to express one’s own recipe for accomplishment, successful outcomes happen.


Anyone with Special Needs that does not have quality of life can use ASDS to assure that they do. We are creating an environment for this demographic to learn how to forge healthy relationships with self, community and one another. It is not always funds that keep people in an unsatisfactory lifestyle, it is lack of relationships. People that have healthy relationships thrive and need less services. It is one of our goals to help provide this. 



The Problem:

We're in an age when a lot of us only care about ourselves.  We're told it's “All about me” or “Look out for #1 because no one else will!”

​W​hen everyone is able to take care of their own needs, all of society benefits.  Unfortunately, a major portion of our society is unable to be 100% independent.  Many of these people fall through the cracks in our system and if not for the volunteers, the true philanthropists; they would be flooding our streets, wandering aimlessly without any direction or quality of life. A surprisingly large percentage of middle-aged adults are autistic. According to a National Autistic Society survey of over 450 children and adults with autism, “an astonishing 70% of adults with autism are unable to live independently. Of these individuals, 49% live with family members, creating a huge financial burden on their aging parents, and 32% live in residential care facilities, which offer little or no privacy, autonomy, or stimulation.”

Some are diagnosed, but most are not.  They're being cared for by their parents, an elderly, dwindling generation.  What is a somewhat, but not fully functional person to do?  What will happen when they lose the parents who've been caring for them? The National Autistic Society also states that only 3% of adults with autism live fully independently.  There's no one to take them in and they have no idea where to go or who can help them.  If only there were a resource just for these individuals who have varied skills, but are not able to manage everyday things that most of us take for granted.


The Solution:

If we don't prepare to assist this sizable and growing portion of our society, we'll be in serious trouble.  These people are NOT incompetent.  From the most challenged to the brightest, autistic adults have something to contribute.  With patience and understanding, autistic adults can provide a positive wave of change that this country so desperately needs. 

ASDS, Autism Spectrum Disorder Supports, (formerly Little Edwin's Triumph) is a 501c3 nonprofit public charity whose goal is to create a nationwide resource for adults suffering with autism and special needs.  It would include a support line to assist autistic adults with everyday needs including employment opportunities and medical information.  We'll also have a database of only those comfortable in providing professional or business services to autistic adults.  A dentist with an autistic daughter would be aware that others like her would need extra patience while receiving dental care.  He'd be willing and able to provide autistic adults with wonderful and loving attention.  This kind of professional will be a vital and nurturing participant in our organization.  


What We Propose:

We'll also implement a program called “Partners” to help autistic adults who have lost their elderly care-giving parent.  Instead of becoming part of a collapsing system, we can help get them back on track by connecting them with another ASDS adult.  Together, along with our guidance, they can maintain productive, healthy lifestyles.  Take for example adult “A,” who has lived in a state-run facility since his father died, has a small income and is great at math and can cook.  Adult “B” can drive and has a job to help pay the bills.  Together, they can maintain the home adult “B” has lived in with his parents.  Adult “A” will make sure the bills are paid on time, sets up a budget and cooks their meals.  They both flourish, feeling secure and independent.

ASDS is a unique charity created in direct response to the lack of resources for autistic adults.  Donations will provide assistance to secure employment, education and other essentials to sustain a healthy and productive lifestyle.

ASDS will be an invaluable support and learning environment for those diagnosed with autism, for their families and for the community at large.


Please be an angel fairy and support my goal of creating a much-needed national resource for autistic adults.

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