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Robin Borakove made history when she was the first Special Needs Adult to be approved by Fleishman/Hillard and the Olympic Committee as a journalist to cover the Special Olympic World Games LA2015. This was a monumental moment for Robin because only a few years prior, she was ready to give up her life. But at age 42, when all seemed hopeless, she was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Sadly, it is not uncommon for people with this condition to experience suicidal thoughts or attempt to end their life.


Robin was tired of being helpless, so instead she became her own hero and saved herself because no one else was going to. She attended her first Autism conference where she discovered Neurofield, a treatment for many mental and physical issues. After receiving it for two years, Robin is now testing off the spectrum. She is not claiming that she's cured. The truth is her life has dramatically improved! Robin says that she now has every intention of living to be 100 like her grandmother. 


The new improved Robin has allowed herself to accomplish a great many things that even her family did not believe she was capable of. Noted Aspies include Isaac Asimov, Dan Ackroyd, Temple Grandin and Susan Boyle, all of them offering their marvelous talents to the world. Robin “Flutterby” Borakove (who wrote her first story at age seven) will be joining that list.


Robin pays it forward by inspiring others to become their own heroes and save their life! She also teaches through the art of storytelling as her character, Fairy Queen Flutterby™. As the Fairy, Robin receives hugs from Special Needs children who NEVER even hug their parents, and in turn teaches those parents how to get their own precious hugs. She has created a charity, developed an Adult Special Needs dating service, resource network, and is an interpreter for her peers.


A native Californian, Robin is presently launching her third book and her 501c3 non profit, Autism Spectrum Disorder Supports (ASDS).


Through her documentary, My Metamorphosis: A Journey To Nuerofeedback and pEMF, Robin chronicles this extraordinary experience. Ms. Borakove is the author of three children’s books, Little Edwin’s Triumph (2009), Fairy Fizzle’s Plight (2010), and the novel Fairy Queen Flutterby (2014). She has written and produced a nine-minute presentation video for her educational children’s

televison series, "ENFAIRYA." Robin promoted her animated series, "Cogg in the Machine," at the 2014 WonderCon and Comic-Con in California.

click picture to her specail editon honoring LA2015


Learn more about Robin's Contributions 

Correspondent covering Special Olympics 2015 

Read The Daily News article click picture

View Robin Videos  click YouTube

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